does amazon have fake reviews

does amazon have fake reviews>does amazon have fake reviews

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If you pay through Etsy's Checkout System, Etsy Payments, then Sellers will not get your credit card info. The only way they can access your information is if you email, message, or tell them. The first thing you need to look for is how old the Etsy store is or how long the Seller has been in business on Etsy. If you pay through Etsy's Checkout System, Etsy Payments, then Sellers will not get your credit card info. The only way they can access your information is if you email, message, or tell them. The first thing you need to look for is how old the Etsy store is or how long the Seller has been in business on Etsy. a rating. The system is based on the review. It is a way for Amazon to show that they are not just another site that has how much money can you make on instagram