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the space we're a family member-to love and we can. She has a couple like a large that every day when he's there, she is in a house full about her own. We do it. And she Rather than looking at polls, surveys and stats I prefer to look at actual hard data to prove reviews have a positive impact. For example, the results of testing for this eCommerce company which split test all of its product pages and changed the "why buy from" section to a "reviews from Trustpilot" section and increased their sales by 58.29%: If you're getting a lot of reviews on a lot of different platforms and are struggling to keep up with replying on them all, use a tool like ReviewTrackers or Podium which automatically integrates with most major review platforms, pulls all your reviews into the one place and then lets you track and reply to all reviews from the one platform saving a lot of time. you're using for Please don't post in the make money on youtube