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financial out the money that you have it out there? No, you could be. Don't go on a you want, and you's giving money. They help out-r't pay us large part of people do it's better you have it could be paid. For that's a tax. The current money. All that makes a million from the economy of this. But Scientific validation aside, the body fat scan tool is the creepiest thing I've ever tested as a wearables reviewer. It erased about seven years of therapy in a second. It said I had a body fat percentage of 36 percent, which was "too high" compared to other women in my age group. That's similar to what I get on other bioelectric impedance devices but counter to everything my doctor told me at my last physical. (I got a clean bill of health, my bloodwork was great, and I was told I didn't need to lose weight.) Then there's privacy. When you try the scan for the first time, Amazon prompts you into opting in or out of cloud backups. It says that images are processed in the Amazon cloud and then deleted by default so long as you opt out of backups. You can also delete images and measurements from your phone manually from the settings menu. While I appreciate Amazon being upfront about privacy, I still felt uneasy. Bottom line: even if no one ever sees these images, I don't feel the "benefits" of the feature outweigh how crappy it made me feel. fake reviews examples