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Dunkin Earn 100 rewards points for each dollar you spend plus 1,500 bonus points once you make your first purchase. Points can be redeemed for your favorite McItems once you accumulate 1,500 points. Step 3: Get followers. This is probably the most important step, and it comes from doing Step 1 and Step 2 really well. Remember Easterling? She has over 54 million followers on TikTok. Estimates range from 10,000 to as many as a million followers are needed before you can really be able to monetize your account. The best way to get followers is to understand what your target market wants to see, and upload quality content to them multiple times a day. Sponsored Content Posts: Loren Gray, who earned $2.6 million last year with over 45 million followers, landed a major Revlon deal, where she creates content for the company's TikTok account and Revlon-sponsored posts for hers. What if I want to remove my Amazon video Read Amazon's Restricted Products Policy and Community Guidelines temu reviews nz